Saturday, July 8, 2017

I've Got Your Back

So, you have a friend who's a writer, or an artist, or an actor, or maybe they have a startup, that new business of their dreams. Of course you want to support them, but how. You bought their product, saw their show, frequented their new business, but you're only one person, what else can you do? So much more.

We live in an age of information. It travels as quick as lightning through our circles, so the simplest, cheapest way you can support your striving friends, is share. But before you tap that button, if you believe in what your friend is doing, take that extra step and tell people why they too should support your friend.

Tell them your favorite part of  that book. Tell them why you love what your friend is doing. Tweet it, Instagram it, Facebook it, and most importantly talk about it. Look for opportunities to spread the word.

In my community, our library has a weekly post where you can talk about what you're reading, it's a great forum to spread the word about your favorite writers. Goodreads is always on Twitter talking about books, a reply takes a second, but it can spread around the world, and most importantly, write that review! It's like handing your friend a blank check. Just think, for every  review you write, you may be giving your writer friend one more reader adding one more step on that ladder to their dreams.

Last week I had the pleasure of being surrounded by a group of people who share my dream, to find and audience to share my story, writers. I left feeling inspired, supported and more dedicated to clearing every boulder from my path.

There's room at the top for us all, so don't hold back your support, push those dream seekers in your life forward and see how much it inspires you to chase your own dreams.

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