Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dreams Really Do Come True

Almost two months ago I pushed a button and made my publishing dreams come true. It was the proudest moment of my life. Pushing that button meant that I was no longer waiting for a too white publishing world to look down on this lowly black woman writer and decide that I was worth taking a chance on. It meant that I was thrusting my work out into, what I hoped was a welcoming public, to be enjoyed by more than just my friends and family. I'll never forget seeing my book cover on Amazon for the first time. I thought my face would crack wide open from grinning. Shortly therewww.facebook.com/AngelaCrookAuthorafter, I set up my Facebook page, scheduled not one, but two book signings, sent out notices to all my friends and family, begging for their support, and I celebrated. Each and every sale, I celebrated. And now that all family and friends have brought their copy, some two, or three, or even six, and the sales have dried up. The exhilaration has faded, replaced with disappointment and self-doubt. Yes, reality has come to call. Now the real work begins. I'm ready.

